Forgot login email or account information?
Your email address is your login for both the mobile app and the web dashboard if you have a Personal Pro or Team Dashboard subscription.
If you clicked Facebook or Google to login, it automatically uses your email address you use for those accounts, respectively.
Elite HRV offers the option to sign in with your Apple ID. If you select "Hide my email," Apple will automatically generate a secret email address. This way, your personal email is hidden from our app, but you can still receive communication via the private email address that will appear in your actual Apple email inbox. If you selected this login method, be sure to select it each time to avoid creating duplicate accounts.
Not sure which email address you used to sign up?
- Click the "Forgot Password" button in the app or from the web dashboard here.
- Try entering your different email addresses
- Login into your email inboxes, and see which ones receive a password reset email.
Note: You can update or change the email linked to your Elite HRV account. Just click within the app at the top of the “Settings” screen. After you update your account email, this updated email needs to be used for all future logins in order.
After updating your account email, if in the future you use a social media login that has an email not associated with your Elite HRV account, then your social media login will act as a new account and your historical data will not display. To access your historical data, login with your updated account email instead.
If you have accidentally created duplicate Elite HRV accounts with multiple login methods, please contact us directly, listing all of the possible email login addresses and specifying which one you want to use going forward.