CorSense - Android Connection Troubleshooting
If the basic connection troubleshooting in the CorSense Won't Connect to App article does not work on your Android phone, we have additional steps for you to try and things you can check on your phone.
Please follow the steps below in order:
1a. Restart your phone. Leave off for several minutes, then try again.
If this didn't resolve the issue then go down in the order below.
1b. Please do the following:
- Turn your Bluetooth off (if you have it on)
- Delete CorSense from Devices screen inside Elite HRV app
- Log out of the app - save login email and password
- Uninstall app
- Shut your phone off for several minutes
- Turn it back on
- Reinstall the app
- Log back in and see if you can do a 1 minute snapshot, allow the app to connect with the CorSense automatically
1c. Then please do a manual reset of the CorSense:
- To reset the CorSense, plug the unit into a power source with the supplied USB charging cable.
- Un-plug and re-plug it 4 times consecutively.
- The blue light on top of the CorSense should flash consistently to show the device has reset.
- After resetting the unit, we recommend you fully charge the unit before trying it again.
1d. If the issue persists, please make sure that the sensor is ONLY connected through the Elite HRV app, not through your phone's Bluetooth settings.
It may help to turn off any other nearby heart rate sensors. We've had other instances of this happening where another electronic device has grabbed the CorSense Bluetooth connection instead of a phone. Common culprits include laptops, TVs, TV remotes, even home security equipment. Many of these have Bluetooth set to "always-on" even when the device itself is off or on standby.
If you could check these items, especially the ones that are in your current home and not in the other this may be the difference.
2. Please clear the Android Bluetooth cache according to these steps: Clear Bluetooth Cache - Android
3. Look at the Elite HRV settings in the Android phone:
- Go into your phone's settings
- Then into Apps
- Select Elite HRV
- Permissions
- Phone permissions may be shut off if you will enable them along with location and storage.